Sustainable Choices: Eco-Friendly Artificial Grass Solutions in Portsmouth

As environmental awareness grows, many Portsmouth homeowners are turning to eco-friendly artificial grass solutions to…

Transforming Supply Chains: The Advantages of Commercial 3D Printing Solutions

In today's fast-paced and globalized economy, supply chains are under constant pressure to be more…

The Evolution of Top Free MMORPG Games

The world of MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) has undergone a significant transformation since…

The Role of Office Cleaners in Maintaining Workplace Hygiene Standards

Office cleaners play a crucial role in upholding workplace hygiene standards, ensuring that employees work…

Paved Driveways Would be a Good Thing to Opt For

This is because there may be numerous professionals in the same field. This is also…

Gửi Hàng Đi Mỹ Bằng Đường Biển: Cẩm Nang Thông Tin Cho Người Gửi

Gửi hàng đi Mỹ bằng đường biển là một lựa chọn phổ biến cho những…

深港醫療合作迎來新篇章 – 范榮彰攜手尚創峰百名港醫醫療城落户羅湖

深圳市政府副秘書長姚任出席了尚創峰百名港醫醫療城的啟動儀式,標誌著深港醫療合作進入新的發展階段。這個位於羅湖區的大型醫療服務平台,由香港企業家范榮彰牽頭投資,旨在為深圳乃至大灣區的市民提供優質的港式醫療服務。 范榮彰表示,他在深圳投資已有27年歷史,一直希望能夠在此建立一個將香港醫療引入深圳的平台。如今在粵港澳大灣區和先行示範區的政策支持下,這個夢想終於實現了。醫療城已經吸引了約80名具有10年以上經驗的香港醫生入駐,未來2年內有望達到200人的規模。 醫療城開綜合門診、眼科、皮膚科等專科 醫療城的服務模式包括常年坐診和預約制,涵蓋綜合門診、眼科、皮膚科等專科,並設有體檢中心。目前試運營的口腔科已開展矯形和貼牙等優勢項目,未來還將拓展手術等更高端的醫療服務。此外,醫療城還與羅湖醫院集團簽署了戰略合作協議,實現深港醫療資源的深度融合。 范榮彰推動深港兩地醫療事業交流合作 范榮彰表示,作為香港貿易發展局第六屆選舉委員會委員,他一直致力於推動粵港澳大灣區的醫療健康合作,尚創峰百名港醫醫療城的落成標誌著這一願景的實現。這不僅為羅湖乃至深圳帶來高品質的港式醫療服務,也必將成為深港兩地醫療事業交流合作的新樞紐。   相關文章: 香港牙科服務需求高 市民睇牙自求多福 港人開牙科 希望幫人享受美食 重磅利好!這個港醫醫療城在羅湖正式啟動! 羅湖引入百名港醫醫療城 羅湖擬建醫療城 3年內引入百名香港名醫

The Art of Mindful Eating: Nourishing Your Body and Mind with Healthy Meals

In a world filled with fast-paced lifestyles and constant distractions, the practice of mindful eating…

Unveiling Nature’s Masterpieces: Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations That Captivate

  Nature has an innate ability to mesmerize and inspire, often revealing its most captivating…

Blockchain Boost: Transforming Small Business Supply Chains

  In the realm of commerce, supply chains are the backbone of businesses, ensuring the…